The Vision:

       Journey Home is a way for families and friends to grow in their devotion to Jesus in community on mission. These communities of 12-50 imperfect people will grow together to connect, be, love, serve and multiply like Jesus. 



  1. Connect more people to Christ. There are some people who will never enter the doors of a church facility, but they would happily walk into your family room or back yard.
  2. Deepen our connections in community. Gathering at home allows for organic, family-like connections that are rarely experienced in a larger group gathering of 100+.
  3. Disciple our kids. Journey Home is an ideal context for families with kids to tailor the experience to engage kids in worship and spiritual growth.
  4. Expand our gathering and sending capacity. In an era of social distancing, multiplying Journey Home communities will give us nearly limitless capacity to gather and scatter people in meaningful community on mission.


Next Steps:

  1. Let’s talk and pray together! Pastor Blaine or anyone on our JCC Leadership Team would love to sit down discuss how God is stirring in you to take next steps.
  2. You are FREE to experiment! We’re not asking anyone to commit to leading Journey Home We want to come alongside you as you explore the possibilities and respond to the Spirit’s leading.
  3. We’ll offer resources to support you. We’ll provide tools like sample templates to structure your time, helpful hints for engaging kids, tips for engaging in mission, and suggestions for group rhythms. We will offer “on the job training” that is responsive to your needs as you step out in faith with Jesus.
  4. Don’t try this alone! If God is stirring in you to try Journey Home, we trust God will bring at least one other person or family alongside of you to partner in this new adventure.
  5. Let’s celebrate! We want to hear and share the stories of how God is at work in your Journey Home

Getting Started

  1. Pray and Talk with JCC Pastor/Leader(s).
  2. Identify at least one person/family to partner with you.
  3. Develop a loose plan for how you might structure your first and second gathering.
  4. Pick a date, time, and location for your first (and second) gathering.
  5. Watch and Pray for Persons of Peace to invite.
  6. Communicate with JCC Pastor/Leader about first gathering plans.
  7. Pray for God’s presence and power over your Journey Home gathering.
  8. Gather . . . and trust God to be present and powerful in your midst.
  9. Connect with JCC Pastor/Leader to debrief and discuss next steps.